
Storm Lake IA - 3 New Listings and All Ranch Homes

Looking for a ranch home in Storm Lake Iowa, if so we have 3 coming, their prices range from just below $90,000 to just below $140,000. All are very nice solid homes, 2 have wonderful park like back yards, 2 have basements and all are priced to sell. If you think you may be interested contact Weaver Realtors to be scheduled to see these on the day they list. Properties are selling fast and ranch homes are very desirable especially in these neighborhoods and price ranges. Call me Georgia Weaver 712-291-0118 if you are interested.
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Less is More Interior Design COming Into It's Own Even in Storm Lake Iowa

According to Troy Beasley, of Beasley & Henley Interior Design in Winter Park, Fla. "People want the less cluttered look people see in magazines." as reported in by Jean Patteson in RISMEDIA June 25th, 2010. Even in rural Storm Lake Iowa we are seeing this reducing trend, people have always had problems seeing their things or themselves in someones space if the space wasn't pared down.

As a REALTOR I usually recommend sellers remove at least 30% of their things and sometimes 50% depending on the home. Homes are much easier to sell if they are sparsely furnished and staged prior to any pictures and any showings. Personally, I always feel 10 pounds lighter after purging closets of items I have never worn or will never wear again. I try to go through books, Christmas decorations, linens, cooking items, furniture, you name it at least annually. We almost all have too much stuff, and my mind set is if I haven't used it, worn it, looked at it, or read it within the last 12 months, someone else probably needs it more than I do. Go on my website http://www.weaverrealtors.com/ to find more information on how to get a property ready to sell.Powered by FeedBurner


Storm Lake Iowa MLS - Homes Selling in Record Time

Another Storm Lake MLS home sells in 1 day! 413 Prospect Street is a great home, 4-5 bedrooms, hardwood floors, quiet neighborhood, fenced back yard, landscaped with flowers and trees and low taxes. Looking in Storm Lake Iowa for a home for sale or looking for a home for sale in Alta Iowa - have your financing complete and be ready to go see new listing as soon as you see them come on the Storm lake MLS. Better yet call me and I will call you as soon as a new homes is listed for sale in Storm Lake or Alta Iowa.
Call Georgia Weaver 712-291-0118 or email me your home buying criteria and I will put it into an automated search and both the search and I will notify you of any new home listing on the Storm Lake MLS as soon as they go on the real estate market.

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Storm Lake MLS - Another Homes Sold in Record Time

Storm Lake MLS is experiencing some fast home sales. The home for sale at 802 Main Street in Alta sold in 13 days. This home has 3 bedrooms, new kitchen, updated roof, new furnace, updated wiring, plumbing, corner lot and hardwood floors! Location is great, one block from the middle and grade schools - 3 blocks from the high school. One the block across from the city park. A lot of diasppointed buyers on this new home sale. Call Georgia Weaver to see all properties listed on the Storm Lake MLS.

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Alta Iowa Home Sold in 1 Day

Buyers for homes in Storm Lake Iowa and Alta Iowa need to be on their toes homes are selling in record time. Call to be added to an automated property search to make sure you are one of the first buyers to see a new home listed. The home located at 602 Prospect in Alta has 4 bedroom, 3 bath, hardwood floors, new kitchen, new bathrooms, new family room, corner lot, located 1 block from the city park, 2 blocks from the middle and grade school and 2 blocks from the high school. Call Georgia Weaver to see homes for sale in Storm Lake Iowa or Alta Iowa. Weaver Realtors is a member of the Storm lake MLS and we show all listings. Our services are available in both Spanish and English.

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Storm Lake Iowa Homes For Sale

The Storm Lake Iowa real estate market is still going strong, we are experiencing a lot of home sales and many new home listings. The Alta Iowa real estate market is also very strong with many homes for sale and selling very fast.
Contact Georgia Weaver or Angelica Lozano to see any property listed on the Storm Lake MLS. We can also put your home buying criteria into an automated home search, this is a great tool to make sure you are one of the first buyers to see a new home listed for sale in Storm Lake Iowa or an Alta Iowa home for sale.
Our services are offered in both English and Spanish.

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Check out the NEW SIGN

Our new sign and we love it - Dan Waitt from Commercial Sign and Design designed it, made it and installed it.
You are awesome Dan!
Come by and see Angelica Lozano and me we will be open for business on MONDAY March 1st!

Weaver Realtors Your Storm Lake Real Estate Service Provider

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