
Storm Lake Multiple Listing Service Market Report Year to Date

12/7/09 Storm Lake and Alta Homes For Sale!

Market Snapshot - Year To Date

Single Family Residential in Storm Lake and Alta

Total Available - 266

Sold - 159

Active - 107

Days on Market (DOM) - time from first listed until closed

and %L/SP (Percentage of Listing Price Received)

0 -31 days    31-60 days    61-90 days    91-120 days    120+ days

  40                 32                     22                17                    48

25.16%        20.13%           13.84%         10.69%           30.19%

96.63%LP  95.92%LP   96.29%LP         93.9%LP       94.42%LP

A big take away is that there are a number of properties available for sale, 107 today with Alta and Storm Lake addresses. Just over 25% sell within the first 31 days and at only 3.37% less than listed price. However if the property goes over 120 days (and over 30% stay on the market more than 4 months) it will bring nearly 6% less than listed price PLUS have an additional 3 months in mortgage payment, taxes, utilities and maintenance costs added to the cost.

Example - A List at 100,000

Sells and closes in 30 days at $99,630

A's Owner pays one months mortgage, utilites, taxes, insurance and maintenance (lets say $1,200)

TOTAL Received - $98,430

Example - B Lists at 100,000

Sells and closes at 122 days at $94,420

B's Owner pays 3 additional months of mortgage, utitities, taxes, insurance and maintenance (lets say $3,600)

TOTAL Received - $90,800

A CMA (competitive market analysis) is a vital tool when you want to sell, we do them for both Sellers and Buyers. The CMA tells us the range the property should sell in according the the previous 12 months real estate market. It also tells buyers where they should begin to offer on a property.

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Deirdre G
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Anonymous said...

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